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Wij zijn Fundamentals

Dit is ons team. Een team bestaande uit zowel junior als ervaren professionals uit het respectieve werkgebied. Voor elk project stellen we een team op maat samen om ervoor te zorgen dat de klus geklaard wordt. Op die manier zijn we in staat om elk proces te begeleiden en elk onderzoek te leiden.

Alain Mertens


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Anne Zeegers


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Bo Kusters


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Christa van Gessel


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Elise Gijbels


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Erwin Elling


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Fangkay Wu


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Feike Mijwaart


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Gabriel Deak


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Ivar Kraaijevanger


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Jan Diepgrond


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Joni Hartog


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Jorik Elferink


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Kim van Veldhuijzen


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Leonie Vlaar


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Maarten v. Rossum


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Maartje Damen


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Mark Kingma


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Ruben v. Bambost


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Ruben Brandsma


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Ruud de Voys


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Tim van der Vaart


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.



Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Wieke v. Kollenburg


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Wieke Segers


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Wim Kroep


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Xavier Lim


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Jolanda Brouwer


Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar.

Ons Kernteam

Jens Gijbels

Managing Director

Founder of Fundamentals Academy. Dedicated designer with a passion for fostering a more impactful creative industry.

Kim van Veldhuijzen

Learning Experiences & Design

Combining the world of leaning & design, with a special interest for challenge based learning. Creative & structured.

Kim van Veldhuijzen

Noortje Braaksma


Dedicated to create meaningful connections and honest stories. Background in creative communication. Pushing forward with humor.

Francine Knüppe

Head of Life Coaching

Psychologist, life coach, connector, humor, cups of tea, in-depth if necessary, practical and accessible if possible.

Francine Knüppe

Jacqueline Bakker

Head of Finance

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Alain Mertens

Learning environments & Professional growth

As a visual facilitator, I let other people experience the power of alisation without them having to be able to draw!

Erwin Elling

Learning & Development Environments • Strategy

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Erwin Elling

Jacqueline Bakker

Head of Finance

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Jolanda Brouwer

Event Support

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Jens Gijbels
Managing Director

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Kim van Veldhuijzen
Kim van Veldhuijzen
Medior Project Leader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Noortje Braaksma
Community - Communication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Francine Groenewoud-Knuppe
Head of Life Coaching

Psychologist, life coach, connector, humor, cups of tea, in-depth if necessary, practical and accessible if possible.

Jacqueline Bakker
Head of Finance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Jolanda Brouwer
Event Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Ons Team van Ontwerp Professionals

Andy Cambeen

Product Designer, Design Facilitator

Why think for people if you can think with them?

Anne Zeegers

Coach & Visual Facilitator

As a visual facilitator, I let other people experience the power of visualisation without them having to be able to draw!

Anne Zeegers

Antonie Koenen


As a visual facilitator, I let other people experience the power of visualisation without them having to be able to draw!

Bo Kusters


I'm a designer who likes to focus on making people's lives simpler. This can be done by good service design research and way more.

Bo Kusters

Bonne Leeuwenkuijl

Teacher & Coach

I aim for development by play, physical movement and conversation to find new perspectives and possibilities. Participation is key.

Carlos Galdona

High Performance Coach

Decrepit enlightenment society chaosultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

David Willemsen

Image Maker

At Studio Wilkins we make images. Still, moving and computer generated.

Elena Berkhout

Graphic designer

Graphic designer with a passion for education. I am actively involved in bringing students and the work field together.

Gerjanne van Gink

Social designer and healthcare innovator

Drawing attention to a problem, proposing solutions, researching future scenarios, and design research with vulnerable people.

Gerjanne van Gink

Ivar Kraaijevanger

Creative Director

An Utrecht based company for everything in the 3D printing world. From keychains to business projects with design; using 20 3D printers!

Jacob Alkema

Design Doing & Collaborations

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. erciful truth snare inexedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Jan Diepgrond

Service Designer

Can’t stop thinking about your problems, let's find out what it needs.

Jan Diepgrond

Jasper van 't Wel

Product Designer - Inventor

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Jelle Leusink

Graphic designer -Photographer - Videographer

I love working on creative concepts, branding and to create content for communication problems.

Joni Mei Chu Hartog


I love working on creative concepts, brandin

g and to create content for communication problems.

Joni Mei Chu Hartog

Jorik Elferink

Designing & facilitating learning experiences

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Jorik Elferink

Julia Schellekens

Graphic designer and Creative Digital Marketeer

Creativity, kindness and adventures. My strength as a design coach comes from my ability to recognise yours.

Juup Laarman

Designer of impactful encounters

Energetic, enthusiastic, full of ideas. Thinking along, making an impact. Designing events and meetings. Dedicated and inspired.

Kamiel van Haasen


Energetic, enthusiastic, full of ideas. Thinking along, making an impact. Designing events and meetings. Dedicated and inspired.

Karianne Rygh

Designer Researcher - Design Educator

Karianne Rygh is a designer researcher and design educator in the areas of product, service and systems oriented design.

Laurens Vreekamp

AI + UX Designer & Creative (AI) trainer

Laurens trains professionals in media, design and journalism on machine learning and AI. Previously worked at Google's Newslab (2018-2020)

Luc Verhoeven

Industrial Designer

Maker, coach and musician. As the dedicated industrial designer that I am, I enjoy going through a full design process, from the idea up to the end result.

Maarten v. Rossum

Designer & Design Thinking Coach

Passionate about innovation, investing and sports.

Mark Kingma

Brand Strategist - Coach - Designer

Empathic, humoristic enthusiastic. A creative strategist that uses his Holistic viewpoint to get to solid design outcomes.

Milan Corporaal


I am very outgoing and I like to be closely connected to the people I work with. I love having fun whilst achieving goals!

Minke van Tol

Creative Strategies, Co-creation, Competence Development

Designing, implementing, and facilitating blended learning strategies and co-creation projects, mostly in international businesses.

Mirjam v.d. Werff

Service Designer

Appreciator of appreciation. As a designer and coach I love to focus on and look for what’s loved within a project and build from there.

Nanda Vrielink

Project leader

Social scientist. Green heart. Enjoys sustainable, interdisciplinary and innovative projects with students. And post-its.

Nienke Huitenga

Immersive Designer

Nienke Huitenga is an award-winning immersive designer. I tickle the world with untold stories through technology and human curiosity.

Patrick van der Bogt

Educational Designer

Sebastiaan Mollema

Entrepeneur and maker

Suus Lemmen

Service Designer

I like honest and real conversations, I like to find out what drives someone and I like people who are a bit rebellious :)

Tijmen de Jong

Concept Developer

Decrepit enlightenment society chaos ultimate merciful. Merciful truth snare inexpedient sea insofar. Test en dan nog een aantal letters.

Tijmen de Jong

Winansa Blyer

Creative Strategist

I am Winansa Blyer and very curious. I like to bring about change and help people.

Xavier Lim

Systems, design and visual thinker

Designer, coach, researcher and activist using systems thinking, strategy and visual communication to empower change makers.

Alain Mertens
Trainer & Coach

As a visual facilitator, I let other people experience the power of visualisation without them having to be able to draw!

Andy Cambeen
Product Designer, Design Facilitator

As a visual facilitator, I let other people experience the power of visualisation without them having to be able to draw!

Why think for people if you can think with them?

Anne Zeegers
Coach & Visual Facilitator

As a visual facilitator, I let other people experience the power of visualisation without them having to be able to draw!

Antonie Koenen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Bo Kusters

I'm a designer who likes to focus on making people's lives simpler. This can be done by good service design research and way more.

Bonne Leeuwenkuijl
Trainer & Coach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Carlos Galdona
High Performance Coach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

David Willemsen
Image Maker

At Studio Wilkins we make images. Still, moving and computer generated.

Elena Berkhout
Graphic Designer

A graphic designer with a passion for education. I am actively involved in bringing students and the work field together.

Erwin Elling
Innovation Strategist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Ivar Kraaijevanger
Creative Director

An Utrecht based company for everything in the 3D printing world. From creating keychains to business projects with design; using 20 3D printers!

Jacob Alkema
Design Doing & Collaborations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Jan Diepgrond
Service Designer

Can’t stop thinking about your problems, let's find out what it needs.

Jasper van 't Wel
Product Designer - Inventor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Jelle Leusink
Graphic Designer - Photographer

I love working on creative concepts, branding and to create content for communication problems.

Joni Mei-Chu Hartog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Jorik Elferink
Trainer & Coach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Julia Schellekens
Graphic Designer & Creative Digital Marketeer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Juup Laarman - de Kanter
Designer of impactful encounters

Energetic, enthusiastic, full of ideas. Thinking along, making an impact. Designing events and meetings. Dedicated and inspired.

Kamiel van Haasen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Karianne Rygh
Design Researcher - Design Educator

Karianne Rygh is a designer researcher and design educator in the areas of product, service and systems oriented design.

Laurens Vreekamp
AI + UX Designer & Creative (AI) trainer

Laurens trains professionals in media, design and journalism on machine learning and AI. Previously worked at Google's Newslab (2018-2020)

Luc Verhoeven
Industrial Designer

Maker, coach and musician. As the dedicated industrial designer that I am, I enjoy going through a full design process, from the idea up to the end result. In such a process, my passion lies in conceptual thinking, the story and the design language.

Maarten v Rossum
Designer & Design Thinking Coach

Passionate about innovation, investing and sports

Mark Kingma
Brand Strategist - Coach - Designer

Empathic, humoristic and enthusiastic. A creative strategist that builds brands & coaches students. Uses his Holistic viewpoint to get to solid design outcomes.

Milan Corporaal

I am very outgoing and I like to be closely connected to the people I work with. I love having fun whilst achieving goals!

Minke van Tol
Creative Strategies, Co-creation, Competence Development

Designing and facilitating blended learning and co-creation projects in international businesses.

Mirjam v.d. Werff-Wubbels
Service Designer

Appreciator of appreciation. As a designer and coach I love to focus on and look for what’s loved within a project and build from there.

Nanda Vrielink
Project Leader

Social scientist. Green heart. Enjoys sustainable, interdisciplinary and innovative projects with students. And post-its.

Nienke Huitenga
Immersive Designer

Nienke Huitenga is an award-winning immersive designer. I tickle the world with untold stories through technology and human curiosity.

Patrick van der Bogt
Educational Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Sebastiaan Mollema
Entrepeneur & Maker

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Suus Lemmen
Service Designer

I like honest and real conversations, I like to find out what drives someone and I like people who are a bit rebellious :)

Tijmen de Jong
Tijmen de Jong
Concept Developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Winansa Blyer
Creative Strategist

I am Winansa Blyer and very curious. I like to bring about change and help people.

Xavier Lim
Systems, Design and Visual Thinker

Designer, coach, researcher and activist using systems thinking, strategy and visual communication to empower change makers.

Board of Inspiration and Advice (BOIA), voor inspiratie en advies

Ilya Zitter

Professor Learning Environments in Professional Education at HU Utrecht University of Applied Science

Erik Mooij
Teacher Leader

Education innovator at HU Utrecht University of Applied Science

Christine de Lille
Lector - Professor

Professor Innovation Network, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Ilya Zitter


Professor Learning Environments in Professional Education at HU Utrecht University of Applied Science

Erik Mooij

Teacher Leader

Education Innovator at HU Utrecht University of Applied Science

Christine de Lille


Professor Innovation Network, The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Over onze coaches

Onze coaches zijn essentieel voor wat we doen en bieden een verscheidenheid aan vaardigheden en denkwijzen voor onze projecten. In ruil daarvoor bieden we een netwerk van professionals van onschatbare waarde, dat alle aspecten van de creatieve industrie omvat, en mogelijkheden om kennis uit te wisselen en zo van elkaar te leren.

Grote dank aan alle coaches die deel hebben uitgemaakt van Fundamentals Academy gedurende de jaren.

Adriaan de Bruin, Adrienn Király, Alwin Böhmer, Andrew Bullen, Annemieke Koster, Balazs Püspök, Bálint Szalai, Bart Laport, Ben Koenen, Bo Schakenraad, Bram Hendriks, Christa van Gessel, Derkiene van der Ziel, Dianne van Os, Elsa Alvins Parra, Fangkay Wu, Fanni Csernátony, Feike Mijwaart, Felix van der Veerdonk, Floris Boersma, Floris-Jan van Zuure, Frank Evers, Freek Pellicaan, Friso Visser, Greta Castellana, Hugo Ward, Ingeborg Deana, Jasper Huitink, Jan Belon, Jeffrey von Gumbkow, Jelle Rijpkema, Jeroen Spoelstra, Jim Pulles, Jillian de Bruijne,  Josefien Jeninga, Katinka Bergema, Laura Koenders, Lenny van Onselen, Lena Wagner, Leonie Vlaar, Lieke van der Rijk, Lisa Kurz, Lisanne Hendrikse, Lois Stolwijk, Maarten de Vries, Maartje Damen, Marce Xirinachs, Marcel Zwiers, Mariek Hilhorst, Marjolein van Wouden, Marthe Svendsen, Melanie Kandelaars, Midas Mentink, Michel Lausberg, Michiel van Sinderen, Mick Smorenburg, Morgan Duta, Nicky Liebregts, Niels Bal, Nina Hartman, Ninah Baatenburg, Panni Pais, Pauline Hendriks, Pim Beijers, Rebecca Smit, Rein Lucassen, Rianne van der Meer, Rinze Borm, Robin van Zessen, Rosa de Vries, Ruben Brandsma, Ruben van Bambost, Ruud de Voys, Sander van de Bunt, Sasja Voogd, Saskia H. Herrmann, Showendrick Gregorio, Siem Stinesen, Simone Rietmeijer, Steffen de Jonge, Suzan Lindhout, Tanja Enninga, Thijs Kremers, Thom Peet, Tim van der Vaart, Timo ten Broeke, Toon Welling, Wieke van Kollenburg, Wieke Seegers, Wim Kroep, Zulayma Susebeek

Over feedbackcultuur en vieringen

Voor Fundamentals staat de groep professionals die wordt ingezet in onderwijs en projecten voor opdrachtgevers centraal. De interactie van deze groep professionals met elkaar en met onze studenten vinden we heel belangrijk. Het gaat ook om uitwisseling van kennis en het samen ontwikkelen van projecten.

Lees het volledige artikel hier

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Website door Xavier Lim & Mark Kingma