Are you constantly questioning where your energy is focused, how others perceive you, or what your next step is in life? If these questions keep you running, a War Room might be just what you need. Over a retreat, we will explore these topics of personal and professional development together, and you gain a new sense of direction.

What is a War Room?

The original use of a War Room, as the name suggests, was for warfare. Winston Churchill used a bunker under Westminster as a nerve center during World War II.

Even during crime series, you often see a form of a war room: a wall with lines on which all the information is displayed, interconnections can be made and also others can be quickly taken into what is going on and what is a good next step.

In the Fundamentals War Room we work with the same principle: You make all available information about you and your issue visual, so that patterns become visible and you can take steps towards the future.

What does the Fundamentals War Room give you?

Participating in the Fundamentals War Room gives you insight, overview and depth. You will go on a journey together with coaches and a small group of participants. You will be guided by the coaches and gain support and insights from each other. We focus on you, your life and the coaching question you have. Customization in a small group is the strength of this program.

Wat andere zeggen

“Looking at my entire life up on the wall - the highs and lows - it became clearer: I thrive in circumstances full of complexity, challenge, and meaning. Now I can more quickly ‘adjust the dials’ to help me find circumstances that really help bring me to life! This weekend helped give me clearer insight on who I am and confidence that I have everything I need inside of me."
Morgan Duta
Former participant
“Imagine a client asks you to design a particular app. Instead of simply starting to design it, we start by asking the client: Why do you want that app? We try to step back and take a completely open-minded and unbiased approach, asking ourselves and the client: Will this really help? In the end, we might design something completely different in order to meet the client’s actual needs.”
Anne Zeegers
A former participant in the Designer’s Identity program
"Healthcare professionals often come up with solutions too quickly, without analyzing the problem from all angles and perspectives. Fundamentals challenges them to do precisely the latter. We need healthcare professionals who dare to be creative, who are not afraid to raise questions about daily practices, who can discover the room they have to execute their plans and have the nerve to put it on the agenda within their organization. This is how they will be able to offer tailor-made healthcare.”
Charlotte Verhagen
Verpleegkundige docent MBO


The War Room is coached by Jens, Erwin and Francine.

Jens Gijbels
Design & Life Coach

A highly experienced Design & Life Coach. Known for his ability to ask the right questions, he quickly gets to the heart of any matter.

Erwin Elling
Innovation Strategist

With a keen sense of strategic insight, Erwin takes a step back to see the bigger picture and offers a fresh perspective in any setting.

Psychologist - Life Coach

A skilled and experienced psychologist & life coach with a unique ability to provide sharp, warm, and empathetic advice.

Duration and location:

The Fundamentals War Room itself is 4 days. We work from Thursday to Sunday. For each edition we look for a suitable location in the Netherlands, where everyone can dive into their challenge in peace and find space to work, sleep and relax. Sometimes with a whole room to transform into your War Room and sometimes one wall per person. Sometimes on the coast and sometimes in the forest. Prior to the start, a check-in with one of the coaches is scheduled to ensure a swift start. This same coach will have another check-in with you some weeks after the weekend, to make sure you’re doing well and are able to get into action with your new plan.

Go/No Go

May 19th 2023, we will decide whether we have enough participants to run this edition or not. We need a minimum of 4 participants, and a maximum of 6.

Costs & Deducting costs, subsidy or discount

Deducting costs, subsidy or discount


The Summer Edition of the War Room will be heldThursday, June 15 until Sunday, June 18 2023.The location of the event will be announced via email in the coming months. Stay tuned for further updates!

Apply for the Fundamentals War Room

You can apply for this War Room by filling in the form below, let us know who you are and what you do, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In case the week is fully booked, you can opt for the waiting list. If you would like some more information, also fill in the form below.

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