Are you ready to boost some inspiration and some fresh energy into your team? In our Crash Course, we facilitate several high-paced and short workshops in one afternoon. Because of the diverse expertise in our coachteam we can offer a wide range of short workshops. We therefore have a 'Crash Course Menu' from which you can choose and combine, to make the afternoon most valuable.
Based on the needs of your team, we put together a carousel of Crash Courses. In blocks of half an hour, participants dive into different topics, often project-related, or connected to developing professional or personal skills. The Crash Courses are high-paced and high-energy. The short workshops can serve as an introduction to a topic you want to focus more on with your team, or to get participants out of their everyday mindset.
These are the Crash Courses we are currently offering:
Brainstorming (design process)
Finalising your concept (design process)
Pitch skills (design process)
Practicing Gratitude (personal skills)
Giving compliments (personal skills)
Appearance (professional skills)
Team dynamics (professional skills)
Please make sure to take note of the following points when booking a workshop.
Our recommendation is to choose a total of four Crash Courses per day-part.
For the Crash Courses we will arrange an external location, where we can use different rooms.
Group size: 20 to 100 participants.